4th Annual Weekend Workshop with Michelle Dorer

Ashtanga Yoga School of Raleigh

February 5-7, 2016


I’m excited to announce that Michelle will be coming to the triangle again this year, and this time in the new shala - Ashtanga Yoga School of Raleigh!  We’ll be offering a full weekend of practice and workshops.  Space is limited, so sign up soon!  Priority will be given to those registering for the whole weekend.

EARLY BIRD (payment received before January 5th): $100

$120 after January 5th

Email stacy@aysraleigh.com for partial registration

Contact Stacy Ingham with questions: stacy@aysraleigh.com  or 919-880-9409


Friday, February 5;  6pm-7:30pm:  Chakras, Bandhas and the Subtle Body: An exploration of the chakras and how they relate to bandhas and breathe in the subtle body.  We will do specific breathing exercises and mantras to journey through the seven emotional, psychological energy centers.

Saturday, February 6;  8-11am:  Mysore practice - All Levels Welcome

Saturday, February 6;  12:30-2pm:  Yoga Sutra Chanting and Study: Pattabhi Jois was fond of saying, “Ashtanga Yoga is Patanjali Yoga.”  Ashtanga Yoga is a physical manifestation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.  Experience the healing potentials of sound by chanting the first and some of the second chapter of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras call and response style with a short discussion.

Sunday, February 7;  8-11am:  Mysore practice: All Levels Welcome

Sunday, February 7;  11:30-1pm:  Introduction to the Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama practice:  We will work on the basics of posture, breath awareness, bandhas, and concentration as we approach the first half of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga Pranayama sequence


Michelle Dorer, Owner and Director of the Ashtanga Yoga Center in the Outer Banks, NC is a student of Tim Miller. She has and continues to make annual trips to Encinitas, CA, attends his workshops and conferences worldwide, completed his First Series Teacher Training in June 2004,  his Second Series Teacher Training in August 2014, and his Third Series Teacher Training in August 2015.   Michelle has also studied Ashtanga Yoga with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff, Dena Kinsberg, , David Garrigues, Sharath Rangaswamy, and Eddie Stern, has attended several workshops on various areas of spirituality such as meditation, chanting, astrology, ayurveda, studies of sacred texts, has a love for lore, and has been practicing Ashtanga Yoga daily uninterrupted for over a decade. She has a BA in psychology from the University of Virginia.